Gimme a Knife
The Canal belongs to Panama
My dad’s iPhone clock is way too clear and we can’t change it
Hybrid jrousers, ever heard of 'em?
It's hard being a Strokes fan sometimes...
I feel like jobs are owed to people
What does fake plastic trees song mean
Clay takes issue with the fancy words “charcuterie board”
Alexis Mac Allister on his passions outside of football: "Scratching [my balls]. I like football, laying on the couch and drinking mate."
Just found this football club, what should I call it?
What song is this for you?
Best *band* starting with letter U?
Ain't those mexicans just american guys with mexican roots?
This boomer post is doing the rounds at uni. Do people not have a built in bullshit detector anymore? I’d have thought the Covid generation would.
What’s one “type” you’ll never date again?
Soda from a can is definitely its worst form.
Is it true you can suck in Industry but you can't suck in public?
Is this car the undisputed champion of “I drive like a bellend”? If not what is?
Championship table by the nearest Asda Superstore
Name me a radiohead song you'd put over a movie scene like this
-1hp, -1hp, -1hp, -1hp
What is the most inappropriate/bizzare thing you’ve seen at work?
What’s Your Opinion On ‘The National Anthem’?
I’m a fan of interracial couples.
This should be interesting!