C-Section Moms: getting to an appointment when carseat is too heavy?
Red lights don't apply to Cynthia, she has places to be
Maybe her opinion will change what she has a kid
Red light mean go
Rules are rules
A couple of getting-started questions
CONTROVERSIAL: Are you going to get your son circumcised?
C section moms aren’t moms
Hopefully the glue holds
Legal medical authority over a healthy person? Arizona
Anyone had the COVID vaccine?
Or maybe just put the fucking mask on ?
WCGW when you're distracted at the light.
Ummm...Okay? (Can’t cross post from sub)
Whole wrist in the pot...
Because we go to the gyno to get off, I guess...
Confused by Pregnancy Calculators: How Many Weeks Pregnant Am?
TTC Naivety
Nappy Bag Waterproof Travel Backpack | Nursing Bag for Baby Care
10 DPO, clinical guard second opinion? I suck at seeing colors well especially if it’s faint.
Someone talk me off the ledge.....Damn pregnancy hormones.
Has anyone tried Rascal + Friends? // Natural Diaper Review | Rascal + Friends, Honest Company, Seventh Genera
Faint positive? 11DPO (Bottom test)
OHSS worry Severe nausea and shaky at 9/10dpo
"Desperado" tattoo
Thoughts please? I woke up earlier than normal and on auto pilot took a test, I dumped the urine knowing it would be negative, I'm only 9dpo. Now I'm freaking out. I'll definitely test again tomorrow with fmu, but.. do you see anything?