Proposed Trump travel ban targets 21 African countries
If I like these six things, what other seafood am I likely to enjoy?
What musician popped up in film or TV that just shocked you?
How do we fight against the growing anti-empathy and anti-truth movement?
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
Ryan Reynolds is an untalented one-trick pony who only became famous because his one shallow trick only resonated with Disney who was engaging billions into shilling that one trick.
One of the few photos of my childhood in Arizona. I think we were living in Mesa at the time. Anyone know where this might be?
Who is your most favourit Bond-Actor that never played Bond?
Which unsolved crime do you hope is solved within your lifetime?
What happened to the beyond meat chicken tenders? 🇨🇦
Is this the greatest movie of the 80's?
You can pick a single line from a comedy film that you think everyone will be able to identify it from. What line do you choose?
How do people come up with names in fantasy novels?
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
the German fascist regime promoting the "people's car" 80 years ago
The most disturbing movie death that comes to mind
Does it bother anyone else when...
JUST FOR FUN: If you could cast any actor to potray a character or characters you are working on right now, who would it be and why?
99% of Europeans don't know this US state. Do you?
What’s the most badass name you’ve ever heard, one that instantly makes you think, ‘Yeah, this person could win a bar fight with just a stare’?
Why are Barack Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, been so completely silent about what’s happening in the US?
where is "Unforgiven" from 1992 ranked on your best Westerns list?
What are your staple Mexican foods?
Do Americans in 2025 still interact with people who have different political views, especially with Trump in power? Or has the divide become too strong for that to happen anymore?
My Husband Has Been Secretly Roleplaying as a Cat Online for 3 Years — Should I Divorce or Become His Rival?