Thoughts on star trek lower decks ?
Do you think anyone ever tried to install crypto mining software in Data?
Convince me not to do 21 credits next semester
Rutgers nb or Njit for mechanical engineering
Epic moments of discomfort
Difficulty 3 is actually just medium, but I’m still totally lost here
Characters Who Never Asked to become Ruthless and Efficient Killing Machines
Seasons so bad the fandom gaslights themselves that it doesn't exist
double major
Making America Straight - what if American states had even more straight borders?
Ignoring longitude entirely, which latitude ° reigns supreme? I go with 41° north
Placement Tests for First Years and Experience Day
TNG S3 E21: Hollow Pursuits - why does LaForge go into Barklay’s holosuite program?
Why don’t we have a global standard for power plugs?
DS9 went the salvage route long before The Expanse did
Honors college
Makes sense.
Lon Suder lives!!
how to i extract this oil?
Darnak at Jalaad at TANAGRA dammit!!
Quick question related to honors college
The Science of Soap! How It Lifts Grease Like Magic 🧼💧🔬
ELI5: How is π irrational if it is a ratio?
Who would win this hypothetical civil war?