The Western genre needs a Knives Out moment
Bobby cooking the Sodie haters
Name a director who’s never made a bad film.
Nothing to see here
Snow White has now dropped down to 2/10 on IMDb making it one of Disney’s worst ever rated movies.
A Trump voters thoughts on Dans Common Sense.
Have you ever been disappointed by a critically acclaimed movie?
Favourite actor who engaged in mutual combat with an unhoused person?
Movies you saw too young
What do you guys think about this movie?
My recent pickup…from the library
Favorite actors who don't like talking about their african diamond mine? I'll start.
Who was worse?
I’m the security guard. AMA
Movies that are fantastic and have at least one problematic element
Who's your dream pick to play the lead in the upcoming Hegel biopic?
So true
Favourite movie where something kinda fucked up but not too bad happens to a monkey?
Favorite Actor whose side piece is theoretical mathematics?
The only thing known to hold more wieners is your mother’s mouth!
Shoah? I hardly know her!
this aged really well
Boeing has won a contract to develop the F-47 next-generation combat aircraft for the U.S. Air Force
To all the people claiming they're pro-original movies, just remember that a third of these are original