Can the overwatch universe stop a xenomorph infestation?
Vergil (DMC) vs the legion of adeptus custodes (wh40k)
Phrases beat into your head by a form of media.
[invincible] what caused the viltrumite culture to be so war-like?
Favorite hugs in media?
Oliver (invincible) vs yuji itadori (jujutsukeisen)
The peaks and valleys of Cyclops by Mark Eastwood
Lore implications of extremely optimised video game protagonists
What is the weirdest debate you have ever gotten in to?
[Marvel/invincible] what would Nick fury and Cecil think of eachother?
Scott Pilgrim vs a space marine (wh40k)
What Disney Princess could be a great sister of battle?(Wh40k)
[DC/invincible] what would cecil and Amanda waller think of eachother?
Characters that had to "take one for the team" and it was horrible?
Karn the betrayer(wh40k) vs Guardians of the Globe(invincible)
Tau empire (wh40k) vs the sh'iar empire (Marvel)
Characters that have Little to do with the groups/factions they belong to?
[My hero academia] if the Quirk Doomsday theory is correct, will society collapse?
Sonny (I,Robot) vs T-800 (Terminator)
Invincible variants vs mcu earth
What is your Favorite or least favorite depiction of your city/country in fiction?
Dreadnought (wh40k) vs she-hulk (mcu)
Luke Skywalker (Star wars) gets the powers a viltrumite (invincible)
Mcu Loki vs Legolas (lotr)
[general fiction] settings where humanity changes itself or evolves into something else?