Sudden staining on toddler’s teeth
Cities outside of Seattle
What pipe is this for? Side of townhouse and never seen water drips from this pipe before.
Is there anyway to have only one ladder in the ship, in only one of the adjacent habs?
What do you do for fun/entertainment when shtf
No way these dudes are hanging drywall this fast day in and day out.
Remodel Cost is 50k
Buddy system.
Easy way for noobs to cut 2" PVC?
Don’t you hate it when your ship is so large it prevents you from starting the DLC?
AOC calls out Rep. Evans for not doing any town halls by recording a video of her rally in his district with people waving!
Now what?!
Granite Countertops Installed… Does this look ok?
Should i start the game now or there is a huge uodate on the way?
How do you deal with people constantly shitting on you for never having a girlfriend?
(ARTICLE) "VA blocks its benefits employees from speaking freely to the department’s lawyers"
I need ideas for how to unstick a roto hammer bit
Spotted in a 2 million dollar home in Southlake, TX.
Has anyone ever done the Homer Simpson work at a bowling alley after paying off your debts thing?
Leavitt, corrected by reporter “the judge was appointed by George W bush , not Barack obama” CALL OUT THE LIES
A reporter corrects Leavitt, clarifying that the judge was appointed by George W bush , not Barack obama
Is Unconditional Love a Healthy Ideal, Just an Unrealistic Fantasy, Or Dangerous?
This is how cigarettes now come packaged in Australia by law
in today's episode of anxiety provoking design: spray faucet with no backsplash
New faucet designed for face washing