my Stains Gate collection
Robotics;Notes Dash its a superb game
Regarding the Committee
Ideas MAGES. would have if they didn't hate money
what would a female SciAdv protagonist look like?
Mio be like
So I Started Playing Anonymous;Code Today, Till Chapter 2, And I Cant Believe Someone As Cute As Momo Aizaki Exists. Her Voice Is So Soft.
A Suzuha drawing i originally planned to finish before Suzuha's previous birthday. But oh well, better late then never!
MAGES. and Nitroplus once polled high schoolers and maid cosplayers on what they thought of Gero Froggy, SciADV's (unofficial) mascot
Whose eyes are those
Design a better version of Robotics;Notes DaSH
Kurisu spotted in the wild
My favorite tweepo interaction in DaSH
Examining the Sena Route — SciADV's Series-Defining Chapter
Is this my awakening?
I Am just sooooo despeeate for Kurisu-Tan...I just want her like man its more than a need than a want.
Are we allowed to talk about Never7/Ever 17 here?
guys i received my presentation box for my kuristina 👀
VN recommendations
Bunny Girls Kurisu, Mayuri, Faris and Suzuha for S;G 15th Anniversary
Ladies And Gentleman...I Hereby...Create The "Yua Revolution"! I Will Make Sure Yua Gets What She Misses!
Someone had to say it…
Look who just arrived
There's a wordline where this is canon(delusionaly)