What's a flavour you will never get tired of?
I love my new bikini. Thoughts? [transfem]
I really love chains !
All black fit so I had to put in my rainbow piercing to balance it out
Who’s your celebrity crush?
Cute little fit for school
insane thrift pull today, the bestowed this insane shirt to me omg i looooove it
Who decided that a g and h would make an f sound
Is smoking a turnoff?
made my first patchwork shirt today !!
Hey! I'm making a cafe VN, called Koko's Cafe
The Best Metal Bassist in your opinion?, Mine : Butler Geezer
Just popping in to say that you look GORGEOUS today <3
How would you write your name in cursive using only / and ,?
What was your favorite albums you listened to when you were 18yo? For me the year was 1993.
I just had a
(NSFW) What penis does everyone have?
i dont think that's quite right