Why is There no rank Check for all things?
Is $900 on a pristine like new American Pro II an automatic buy or meh deal?
NGD - Fender Acoustasonic Telecaster Standard Series - The guitar I didn't know I needed!
Can I use my own personal router?
Controlling aerials
what do I do?
For under 200 dollars, should I go on a high end 1080P monitor or opt for a budget 1440P monitor?
Is anybody willing to sell a piece of shit Squier for under 100 bucks?
Trying to Understand Directional Air Roll
What does he drive?
Almost 600 hours in and my biggest realization is…
I guess im just bad
We live in a timeline where a sound effect is a major part of an update
Trash talk is part of the fun. If you don’t like it turn off chat or play casual.
Been fighting aphids, I think we made it through!
Is Fender Pricing Themselves Out of the Market?
What’s your pick of choice?
Talk me out of buying it
Found in the wild!!!
I’m so done with smurfs in this game
Guitar neck snapped and I have rehearsal tommorow
59.99 plan over?
Cox is Robbing Me Blind
Working out is literally fascism, and it also worsens COVID! Keep the phaith by never exercising and wearing 3 - 4 masks at all times - don't fall for fitness industry propaganda!