Parmesan Cheese?
How good is AI at Toki Pona?
ime ilewe epekenke okite Asinale oloke
How is my translation of "The owl and the pussy-cat" by Edward Lear?
"English begone! You shall come to speak Toki Pona!" (Toki Pona Witch)
I'd like to start a news paper
Hello I'm new
o lukin e toki pi kalama musi mi
Alphabetical order - does anyone else do this?
I made concept art of different styles of sitelen pona!
toki tan jan Anti Wawo
ilo Google pi ante toki 😢
fun names in toki pona
The final batch of playing cards / flashcards. Next I figure out how to make a print-and-play pdf and then do some playtesting :D
soweli seme li pona nanpa wan tawa sina?
A use for Toki Pona
A brief outline of a counting system
What are your thoughts on the use of pi multiple times in a sentence?
Which Burger King do you prefer?
suno olin pona tawa sina ale!
Is this correct
e soweli li lili
mi kepeken mute lon linja e nimi "la" la mi pona ala pona?
Framed Block Alternatives for Fabric!