Non human characters that are viewed as "Black characters" by their fandom
We are proud of dad too
Who should I pick?
Why does this guy have no team-Background?
Willy Wonka is checking out the chocolate factory
If I buy go fest global ticket now, WHEN will I receive the actual research to get Skiddo?
PoGo Gift cards? R/pokémon Go what's your opinion?
There is always one trainer…
After 38 hours, the YouTuber Normee just beat the world record for longest time standing still, despite people tagging him and police being called.
This douchebag is finally out of the way!
Can't return to Fodra in L + L
People really need to quit complaining about the unova tour it's pretty ridiculous
TIL that gorillas fart almost nonstop due to their fibrous diet
Take my account?
Kids Destroy Walmart WOW Feature
Be careful about posting in r/PokemonGoFriends too often.
Season 1 tips
17yo loses control of vehicle
What should i choose?
Woman dragged from north Idaho Republican townhall by unknown, allegedly-hired security for allegedly "verbally-attacking the legislators". Local Republican officials later could not identify the security company hired.
Walmart scam
Ruining the days off I asked for
Scopely charges 1.29 CAD for no adds in Scrabble Go and that's only for one day and it's 50% off. This is what you can expect if they buy PokemonGo
New Player to Level 50 in 7 Months
This doesn’t feel fair