Would you take your wife back after she cheated?
Marriage threatened
Partner of 6 years and mother of my two kids caught sending nudes and confessing love to another man.
I'm '29M' and am concerned about my '26F' girlfriends writings and a person from her past. ( we have been exclusively dating for 6 months)
I guess I can’t quit.
Wife possibly cheating
[Update 7] Explicit Conversation on Wife's Phone
Emigrate to Australia
I Discovered My Wife (28F) Of 7 Years Is Cheating On Me (30M). She Doesn't Know That I Know - UPDATE 7 - Meeting John's wife and MIL
I quit.
What’s the best relationship tip you can give that creates healthy relationship?
M29, She F26 never asks about me, shall i continue
I need some help! How do I root this!? A customer broke this piece off of a HUGE diffenbachia and I don’t know what to do to get it going! It’s been cut for like an hour so far! Want to give it the best shot possible.
This girl surprised her husband in a beautiful way with her first pregnancy after a long absence
Is there like a support group for people dealing with this? I’m planning to leave my partner and I’m really scared
Wife has checked out
I feel more lost then I have in years and years
Lost my mom yesterday
I'm 27, slept with 100+ women, and feel completely numb to sex and love.
Is this up for debate? Or is Kel Knight universally accepted as the best character in the show?
I left Facebook last week. I'm leaving Reddit at the end of this week. But I will miss this group a lot. Stay Radical!
Is it a dreaded Yucca?
My partner of 9 years cheated on me
I need help… I’m stuck and struggling