This character is now the only one from DC4 to have yet to cast an incorrect vote
Me rn they replaced the goat Riya with this disappointment.
Ranking Characters By How Likely They Are To Win
Thoughts on TotalDramaJoseph's opinions on Spencer as a strategist
Found this take on twitter
Ranking based on how they played the game (Disclaimer: has opinions)
Who’s that one character that you will always defend no matter what?????
My friend and I's predictions for the elimination order
I hope next elimination will be a expected one but not how you think
Who will be the last person to vote for Spencer
What's your least favourite "strategic" move?
Give me a bad elimination that doesn’t get enough criticism
Does anyone feel like the writers are learning from their mistakes with the new season?
What do you think will happen in the merger?
I get that it was a terrible game move, but let's not pretend that Ana was mean to Lynda for "no reason"
Would Isabel be willing to work with Spencer and Lynda?
What are your Disventure Camp HOT TAKES
Who should come back?
Predictions on who goes next
Can poeple pls stop hate for
Best friendship incoming
Biased our of the way who is your winner pick and why
Winner edit and chances to win using Edgic prediction
It's funny that they introduced an idol in all stars just to get rid of it the next episode
Two Hot Takes Regarding Logan In Episode 9