>Pit Fighter. >Never show her pits once. Terrible show.
Most of these kinds of comments are by people halfway through the show OR FINISHED IT. Did we watch the same show? Jayce didn't even have a mom.
Peter Dinklage said that movies shouldn't hire actors with dwarfism as fantasy dwarves, even though the only major franchises in the last 20 years to cast little people as a dwarves both hired Peter Dinklage. This is a reference to the fact that, in folklore, dwarves are greedy
My best guess at the Real vs Imagined progress
How to satisfy them man?
I think this incel hunt has gone too far
What is your REAL RDR hot take?
What's the one song on your favorite radio station that you can't stand?
After letting the Timebomb DLC get me a lil teary eyed, I thought I’d bring me back down a peg and remind me of some facts
Deaths intended to be big emotional moments but end up falling flat as a result of writing or acting
The season ending cliffhanger loses its effectiveness when you have to wait 18-24 months for the next season.
Bro stopped the whole series from happening
Severance - 2x10 - "Cold Harbor" - Episode Discussion
The comments are panicking for no reason
Alright, now that we locked in on the Timebomb MV, I beg the question.. do you think this is the last time we saw Timebomb? Or..
Does anyone else think this show is better than invincible (excluding s3&s4
I think enough time have passed
Netflix reveals First Look at Arcane's upcoming Live Action Adaptation
Giveaway for any $70 game of your choice [Steam]
I am a variant of Bode. Ask me anything
Which explanation for Red lightsaber do you prefer? Synthetic or Bleeding?
Severance - 2x09 - "The After Hours" - Episode Discussion
what? these ships are great! sucks they aren’t talked about enough
What’s a movie that NOBODY can convince you is good?
I sense a pattern here