what card do i spend my shards on
What would you call this deck I use?
My mom is sexist.
On which of these should I use the book of epic??
Could this get me to 9000?
Is this deck god enough ?
Ah yes. The best gift for the 9th year aniversary
Mods I'm begging you
Are these worth???
how could i have played better here
Why can't I report?
Should I purchase elite cards with 2000 gems?
Can we ban this guy?
Not p2w at all
Challenge accepted
how can I fix this bug?
How do you call this animal in your language?
My tarantula arrived yesterday and it is unresponsive but i saw its heart beat today what could i do
Which one should I buy?
Can't seem to grow bigger, any tips?
Is this a good deck?
which card should i level up
America’s new least favorite couple (OC)
Please, do not do this..
If you do this I hope ur testicles get crushed with a hammer.