Charlie here with a update
🍀Top O’ Da Meowrning to ya! 🍀
Is possibel I sue fror defamgation?
The Child needs a name!
New feature?
Got exactly one goal done today but I'm fine with that
Luxury Beanbag or Luxury Cat Bed, what's the difference? (there is none)
Its mine birfday
Of cors you realeyes dis means war!
OMG! Ders a chatGPT for cats!
Tankz to allz da kittiez whoz came to da pawty!
Adopted a new human - advice needed
I Did It. I Sat All the Way On Her Lap.
Need 2 purrnish pokey peepul who stoled my BLUDS
I'm convinced my(36m) wife(36f) is cheating on me with a lesbian from work
Meowmy sayz wez can haz da pawty!!!
Henlo frens I needs to double soo
I (26f) told my mother (60f) how I can't stand the way she infantilizes me and hurt her feelings and feel deeply guilty.
I iz doin a konfuz tooday. I dunno wat to do abowt meowmy.
Momma call mi namez somtimz but iz not mi name.
Does anyone else feel parenthood has just been one huge letdown?
De Faximes? I do Crimez!
Saving me from $$$
My mom doesn't care about my SA