I'm such a nerd
Mel Gibson at it again
Burmilla Cat Breed
Special Cat Tickets
Observatory Tickets
The last thing you ate will be his name
Less or more hanging plants?
What was the weirdest thing you’re parents banned
Suggest a name for him
AIO about the wall of text my brother in law sent his kids
To help save Elon and his billions ……by buying a single Tesla!!!
Help name my cat ! No cookie or oreo please. I've had him for a while but it seems that no name suits him .
AITA for ignoring my wife for throwing away my late wife video tapes?
A room made for the Clover Angora
My wife sent me this, and I told her to post it on Reddit, but she’s too shy, so I did it instead.
New Player Question
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Got an email reminder: Relief Society is a safe space… from critical thinking.
Let’s stop arguing and rewatch the series together. S01E01 - The Curse of Dethklok
I need them both...omg
house of sweets
Outfit ideas for the Maine Coon? It's big body and face makes me find this kitty hard to dress 😢
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