H:deathclaw and crazy guy fas mask w: offers
H: deathclaw crazy guy and 26 leaders w:offers
H:7x bloodied 1x quad 2x uny 3x explosive 1x rapid 11x vats enhanced 2x vital 1x arms keeper 1x pack rats 1x thru hiker 1x pin pointers 1x pounders 3x rangers 1x rejuvenators mods w: offers
H: fsa mask w: polished and vats optimised mod + fas mask or leaders
W: non glowing Jackalope or Bigfoot H: Polished, Quad, Vampires, Lightweight, VATS Optimized, Bloodied, Runners
H: fsa mask w: polished, vats optimised mods + add
H: fsa mask w: gat plas stinging core receptacle,accelerated nozzle + small add
H: pics w: stinging core recepticle and accelerated nozzle for gat plas
H: these mods w: offers
H: AAE90 lmg , QE15crit tesla rifle and Ts50c15reload AD TSE Gatling gun w:offers
H:rangers + 3 leaders or some scrap w: reflective
H: mods W:rangers
H:all these mods W: rangers
H: Miasmas/Pyromaniacs W: Rangers
H:caps and scrap w:polished and pyromaniacs
W:holy fire h: caps
Berserkers explosive 15 crit charge Gatling laser
W: violet flux and lead scrap h:m2525 fixer
W: gears and ultracite scrap h: weapon wall and some apparel
H:q2550break railway w:offers
H: m2525,ari2525 fixers w: gears
H:tse15crit Gatling gun and aa25ffr50dur fixer w:offers
H:ari2525 fixer w: gears
H:caps w: infused soot flower tea and sweet mutfruit tea
H:j2525 50 cal w:offers