If you had to masturbate and finish to one action movie, what would it be?
If I told you you were hungry, would you agree?
Former vegetarians and vegans, what Made you stop?
Why ppl when kiss each other they're closed eyes?
What's an event that distinguishes someone as a real friend or a fake friend?
I hate being a parent and I need a way out
what was your last meal?
Men with long hair always look so majestic
I am NOT ready for summer!
You have to choose a new accent
Amazes me how little discussion or reflection is occurring around the 5th anniversary of COVID
How did you reach your current income?
Pre-wedding photo shoot is a waste of money
There is a lot of difference between “I love you” and “I like you”
Farting feels really good
Dinner foods for breakfast needs to be accepted more in society
All movies are going to be destroyed. You can save three movies. What three movies are you saving?
What is something that changed the way you look at the world?
How close are we to see the world collapsing?
If you could only eat 1 food for the rest of your life. What would it be?
Did people in the past think wearing masks was cool?
I really desperately want to have kids and I feel like a terrible feminist because of it
What questions would you ask your future self if you saw them?
Is it weird that I don’t really want intimacy in a relationship?
What type of food does not go well with hot sauce?