Lore: who/ where did the original "ooh." Come from?
Before & After (2020 to 2025)
“It wasn’t like that last week”
LPT: Buy your chicken in bulk, portion, prep, premarinade and then freeze.
TIFU by eating a pancake that went bad in my car and discovering I had cancer
we sent home a urine collection kit and they bring the urine back in a sandwich bag??
That's some Karate BS
At last, I have Todd!
It's my birthday weekend. I love zombies. Just want to stay in, chill, and watch zombie flix. Please recommend.
I helped a young witch get his true name, and I’m proud of it.
Simple dragonfly :)
Using tarot for introspection/ journalling? Question/ technique request
I have no ambition and no hope (30f)
Kangen Hun flexing earning $9 from posting lol
2012. 14 year old me thought this was really good photography.
Lily Phillips, Famous For Sleeping with 101 Men In A Day, Announces Pregnancy: “Who’s The Daddy?”
Is there a land vehicle that doesn't destroy everything?
People with tinnitus how do you deal with it on a daily basis?
Im considering getting mel's face engravings things as a white ink face tattoo. is there any concept art of the embed itself cus i want ts BAD
Father and daughter dancing on their walk is the best thing today
Face gains! 90 lbs down.
My sister gave me this monster this morning <3
Stupid pigeon keeps chilling in my hosta. Chase it away and it simply comes back an hour later. Why???
I can't stand wasps!
yesterday was my birthday and today i got my name legally changed