Is it just me that thought Khan was a pretty wasted character? What I would give for a more serious version of him to appear in the series, like in these Concept Arts.
If you could make a 6th ethereal for an island, which island would it be? The fire islands or gold island? (Image unrelated)
How much murder drones do we actually want?
What Monster Will Pentumbra Copy Next?
Favorite character which killed another of your favorite characters ?
guess the islands: increasing difficulty
I made some goobers, please name them.
What Is A Character You Want In Smash Not Because It’d Be A Good Character, Just Because It Would Be Hella Funny?
What would your reaction be if this bastard nade it in?
Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Reddit Edition
Do you think that the mythical island exclusive monsters will get their own place in the magical islands?
type your favorite brawler's name without using the crossed out letters
[Peppa pig]
Major And Minor Paironormal Island With Hairionette And Owlesque, Nobody Else…Yet
Which character are you?
I Made My Own Paironormal Island With Both A Normal And Mirror Form (A Major And Minor Form If You Wanna Speak Paironormal Terms)
buzz buzz
I just want this little fella to be the bone paironormal 😭
What Are Your Thoughts On The Hour Of Joy?
SMG4 Movie: I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
I thought I recognised that render
So are we just going to ignore that this exists...?