Flowers from corpses - Temple Quarter and Gravesite Plains
How do i put movie scenes into words?
Why is "Fruit of the poisoned tree" a thing in law?
So the Dark Iron racial set DOES work on other races (sorta)
Fort of Reprimand and the origin of Festive Grease
Loona Muzzled Thoughts?
Avowed story connection question
First time player question
Is this combo not just infinite value?
Radagon's Red Hair - Explained
Were ANY of these cards with "Give your minions 'Deathrattle: Do XYZ'" ever good or meta other than iirc Soul of the Forest?
At long last, I can finally rest...
Into the Emerald Dream Bundle Giveaway! Win 1 of 50 codes for 60 packs, 2 random legendaries, and Ysera card back!
Thankfully your opponent still gets three coins so this isn’t OP
How do Hornsent Inquisitors wield Sorceries?
Lore questions about Forgotten Sanctum books
Druid cards seemingly don't actually count 2x for the event quest. After playing Forest Seedlings the quest progress is expected to go up by 4 or 6, but only goes up by 3.
DS2 is clearly superior
What happened to my man Hiravias?
Bibliografia examen rezidentiat 2025 identica cu 2024?
Beast of Winter Ending - where's Neriscyrlas?
You can Groundhog day other people at will (almost) without limit
Every person in the world will be transformed to look physically identical in 24 hours, you decide what that appearance will be
Me watching the warlock card reveals
New Paladin Card Revealed - Dreamwarden