A normal day in lokato’s store..
gonna be ranking yall's avatars HONESTLY.
I'm ranking every avatar (read the description)
Remaining servants:
Cataclysmal servants of Messorum
Small render for Lokato’s new post about him and Lucina
So how do i say it.. Lokato and Lucina are getting married! And you might be invited for their wedding! You can put in your username for a chance of getting an invitation.
Will your avatar lose or win to Omega Flowey?
Messorum Aeternatus, Echoing finale unheard amongst dying stars
Working on a “little” something
Rate good ol’ luci.
Thanatos Perdicitus, Cataclysmic juggernaut
Making a tierlist of every single avatar posted in the comments
“Stand ready for my arrival, worm.”
the eye cult has kidnapped your avatar's wife, how will they react?
Send a Image of your Avatar and I'm Including them in a Tierlist
Parenting shenanigans
Converting to Islam
Rex Aetherneum, The last Draconid
Rex Aethernium, unarmored/casual
will my avatar beat up your avatar? (don't have the picture of the avatar but here's a picture of the character that's based off of)
What do you think they’re talking about?
Ascendant divinity, Ever-shining star, Renewed promises of endless daybreaks, All hail the Empress, to the stars she returned.
Trials of ascendance, Complete (sneak peek)