Lewandowski speaks on his being at Barcelona
If the Big 5 + 1 were to participate in the semis, which would be at risk of elimination?
What are your shock Qs and shock NQs for SF1 and SF2?
Open Thread: Weekday Edition #12 (Mar 2025)
What are your opinions on including women into obligatory basic military training course
2 months till Polish presidential election and Polish Far Right candidate catches up PIS supported candidate (Source in comments)
Opinion : Lewandowski was the architect of the comeback
German army struggles to get Gen Z recruits ‘ready for war’
Waiting untill the contest
Gdybyście mogli coś dodać lub usunąć z Reddita co by to było?
Piotr Musiałkowski (Justyna's dancer) shares informations about Poland's Eurovision performance
Co myślicie o aktualnych sondażach? Jakie macie przemyślenia?
Do you still think 2025 is a weak year?
What percentage of voters are just watching the final?
After all songs have been released now, who do you think will win Eurovision 2025?
More than half of Poles support bringing back compulsory military service
Former Prime-Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, is in Bucharest campaigning for the pro-Russian party AUR.
Miriana Conte’s altered song “SERVING” has been released.
No foreign troops in Ukraine, no troops in countries with Russian Federation border, veto to stop countries from assisting Ukraine in case of again war. USA will agree for sure. What about EU? This sounds like madness and over for Ukraine.
Putin's Demands For "Peace"
Who do you have to pull of a Bambie Thug glow up based of the National final?
The EBU has requested several changes to Erika Vikman’s performance
Czy na pewno myślisz samodzielnie?
Open Thread: Weekday Edition #11 (Mar 2025)
Post-Match Thread: FC Barcelona vs Benfica | UEFA Champions League, Round of 16, Second Leg
Ukraina zgadza się na rozejm. USA wznawiają wsparcie