''Kārums'' sieriņu vērtējums.
Nevaru sagaidīt jaunos komplektus!!!
How does anybody do those crazy pouches with 50mgs+?
OKDD Jēzus - atdzīvinājis šo kopienu.
Dievs, svētī Latviju!
KV-10 (obj. 230) with its KRAST-1 (8 x 132mm rockets) on the side of the tank.
Bigfoot Fastrax based on M41 chassis
I finally got to see the legendary bt-42!!! The poor tank has seen better days.
Got this at an ink master convention
Anyone else ever seen these???
Good old MI-8 in Estonia
Interesanti roboti mums te ložņā
Greek EODH Leopard 1HEL Upgrade
Draudziņi, pēc pēdējā publicējuma noskaidroju, ka starp mums slēpjas baigi daudz Vatņiki.
Ukrainian 9P149 Shturm-S prototype
Sherman in Finland
Georgian tanks during military exercise.
put your grasses on!!
What car is this?
ZTZ96 with rubber-padded tracks
Modified turretless SK-105 Kürassier being used as a mobile platform for Bolivian president Evo Morales
LVMOG ir kritis!
Captured Ukrainian BTR-3
ZBD05/ZLT05 Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicles
Aero L-29's [album]