I'm sick of everyone misunderstanding why Rudo said no to Follo
Chapter 122 and why I'm really loving this arc
What do you think Rudo will do in the next chapter? ☠
Rudo is so Fucking Based
How it felt reading chapter 122
URGENT I messed up my Humira injection what do I do??
If you don't apply moisturizing cream to your flare ups could it make it worse?
Does anyone else have really fast reoccurring flares?
why does Vicks sting a bit when I put it on?
I colored Blue Period
the relief from a big HS lesion popping >>>
Anybody else get a shocking pain randomly?
Everytime I get a flare up I get so depressed
finally gonna tell my nurse that I self harm
why are mental health services so shit?
A teenager who has HS
how does Humira get delivered?
how do you bandage your HS wounds?
share success stories using Humira
anyone else get annoyed with the "are you okay?"
on dianette and took 2 pills when I was supposed to take none
I took 2 pills when I was supposed to take none
ok kinda losing my mind but what counts as a flare up??
anxiety about calling the dermatologist