My first minifigure, would be grateful for criticism.
Why Do Some Players Try to Include Rape in Their Games?
How many people actually use the 2 weapons system?
Need some rules clarification for my commander
The unwillingness to branch out makes no sense to me…
Need help with my new campaigns introduction
I need help coming up with a character
Looking for a new commander to build around
Looking to combine mods if possible
Borealopelta appreciation post
How do meadows work in 2025?
What mods should we use with calamity?
I've played POE for 6 years. I just have to say........
Does anyone else name their animals with a certain theme?
Looking for free illrigger class info
DMs, what is the hardest part for you?
Need help with homebrew subclasses
A new forging hammer, inlaid in silver and decorated with knotwork.
[OC] Tome of Maps Giveaway | Snowy's Maps - 1x Forest Edition COMPLETE Battlemap Book and 2x PRESS SAMPLE City Edition Books (see comment below)!
Need some help choosing what character to play next
Found out the hard way what happens when you forget to water your rice
Where would you like your dream map to be based, as an official map with machinery relating to the area/country...
At what point would you yall say you have enough tractors
Surely I can't have been the only one to think, at first, that this was a nuclear bomb and not a yellow bag right?