Please share close-ups of your puppers, I’ll start 🫶🏽
Daily Chat 💬💅👶🏼
Anyone know what's happening with this lil guy?
Can I be refunded for clothing from Dunnes Stores if I don't have the card used to pay for them?
Open thread of an evening
Daily Chat 💬 💖
I love being pregnant
How often when TTC?
Does anyone else’s dachshund get in ridiculous positions? 🤣🤣
Pregnancy Dreams
Please post the most recent picture you took of your pup!
Snoring and drooling at 31 weeks and 2 days
Daily Chat 💬 💅
What’s the most awkward moment you’ve had during sex?
Pregnancy masssage
Is this safe?
Is this some sort of pizzagate situation
Weirdest Pregnancy Symptom
A collection of photos to show damage that I’ve come across… feel free to add yours
Piercing recommendations
When Do The Christmas Decorations Come Down?
I think I've figured out my pregnancy craving
€50 Dunnes Voucher
Well this happened 😂