Who are your ballon d'or top 5 right now?
Might be an unpopular opinion, but I want Lewandowski and Ferran to continue as our strikers for another season.
Number of civilians killed by sides in the Syrian civil war
Ferran Torres: Impressive Statistics in the Season
Post-Match Thread: Atlético Madrid vs Barcelona | LALIGA
من ذاكرة الثورة: الجولاني يتوعد القرى "النصيرية" بالثأر بعد مجزرة الغوطة
المرصد السوري يدين منع الصحفيين الأجانب من دخول الساحل ومنع وصول الفرق الإغاثية والمساعدات
مو عيب عالحكومة ما تبعت مساعدات للساحل؟
Who is this Syrian Drake also please explain second pic meme
ملاحظين انو عمليا عم نصير فيدرالية؟
Why the map hasn’t upgraded to all green
تصبح على خير
I still feel bad for the Alawites, things will never be the same
i mean,am i suprised?
The duality of the new Syrian Army
The Assadists failure has only strengthened our country
What is genuenly going on in Syria right now?
أخبار حلوة للمستقبل بظل حالة الإرهاب
To win the UCL your GK has to bail you out sometimes.
التضليل كبير جداً
كلمتين و حقولهن
An unfortunate reality: Ahmad al-Shara is the only barrier against a full massacre against the Alawites in Syria.
الفيديو اللي ما قبلت ساب سوريا حذر منو مبارح
Does anyone have a legit source on these massacres being directed by the government?
What Is Happening on the Syrian Coast? are members of the Alawite sect really being targeted? Here Are All the Details.