It was on sight...
We have learned Miyazaki
This is .... Sad
The NPC's are doomed from the start it seems.
Guess which is my favourite party
This how it seemed most reactions were to the reveal.
I can't believe the amount of tarnished that didn't make it to the Hold.
I was at my lowest here...
Pc [W] runes [h] karma
Am I forced to fight this guy
what are some good fun builds for a playthrough?
How a Claymore user view multiple weapons (Its long but its worth it)
[PC] W: Runes / rivers of blood +0 H: +karma
I drew my best friend, David.
I having work hard in the last 5 month to learning how to draw. Everytime I feel like I made to much little or almost nothing. I am did'nt finish yet but what you guys think?
Looking to gift someone a game for $100 or less