19M, Floridian, chronically single, and just graduated from culinary school. Do. Your. Worst.
[27 m] How much of a turnoff are bad teeth? My self-esteem is rock bottom and I hate my smile.
I was told this steak was medium rare when I raised the issue, what do you think?
My blood HCG level is 10 on 10dpo, is that promising?
chemical?? need help interpreting. CD23 18DPO.
is this rude
First response @8 dpo
Are my lines fading?
Madison hate
It was a mere shadow this morning, what do you think?
Should I be worried?
Monica speaking out about the Sara and Joey situation
i still can’t believe it
Do yall see the faint line?
She's pregnant.
Middle seat experience with large person
chemical pregnancy?
Does this test look positive?
Is this positive?
M24 don’t hold back guys
I still have no idea what color this is
Honest thoughts for 14dpo - the good, bad, and ugly.
What's my eye color??