They Released the JFK Files btw
The House of Liberty - Democratic-Republican Leader Primaries ROUND 2/2
2028 United States presidential election (including Canada)
Baffling map of Spanish-speaking countries my friend found at a language school. It gets worse the longer you look.
Who would YOU have voted for personally in 1992 and why? (For the ones who weren’t born yet in 1992)
My last & final post
338Canada now projects Liberals to win majority in the next federal election
What democratic candidates will perform better/worse than Kamala?
2024 Election if Yellowstone Erupted
2030 Apportionment Forecast, California now down to just a 3 seat loss and North Carolina no longer gaining a 15th seat
Let's see those suggestions
Every 30 Year Olds Has To Go To Court For Judicial Circuit (Choose and pick out your favorite 20 pictures of mine) but please positive comments and no negative comment.
Name the album
Made a shitty mask of myself for the concert
Jared from Colorado
The House of Liberty - Democratic-Republican Leader Primaries ROUND 1/2
according to a CNN poll of dems/dem leaners, the person who best represents the core values of the Democratic party is AOC with 10% of people picking her. In 2017, it was Barack Obama with 18% of people picking him
The House of Liberty - Federalist Leader Primaries ROUND 3/3
What's your name?
Anime I've seen
James Madison Has Been Eliminated at 13th Place! Day 32: Ranking Which US Presidents Has the Best Cabinet and Eliminate the Worst One With the Most Upvotes
Not encouraging this but a merged US-Canada would be the most powerful political entity in human history.
2028 Election Vance versus Machine
Counties I've Been To