Emperor Almighty, Vader is not fair.
Case opening!!!! 2 Showcase’s
How to deal with hyper-agression
Show me your Kazuda decks!
Best leaders/colours for indirect damage?
New Mobile Deckbuilder: SWU Hyperbuild
Wish we had a better custom card creator but this one will do, made Dash Rendar!
what does attacking equal to a cards power mean?
Let 14 goals in today - kinda feel like dying 😖 Anyone else ever have a game this bad? 🫣
Looking for engine kits, anybody have any reccomendations?
When Played/When Defeated
What do we think fellow Tarkinians?
Kylos tie silencer replacement
Top 8 Tarkin Red
Best places to sell singles?
Budget Powerful Thrawn Deck
Lego speed champions new wish list 2026 or still 5
Could you please help me optimize Tarkin Red for JTL? (Desc in comments)
Insane brother pulls
Just bought my first Jump to Lightspeed booster pack, I'm just happy and appreciate seeing these beautiful art works even though they are Common cards :)
Favorite combos with JTL?
JTL Decks
My roomate hates it but I love it: my dorm speed champions wall
Anyone else having problems with the new swudb.com?
Deck help