So, this was Micah's reaction when Bill asked Javier who he thinks the rat is.
Why I cannot buy the newspaper
Why are the costumes in Chapter 1 and the rest of the game so different?
I did it! And it's called 100% completion
I need help
The fact that even in the lowest graphics settings and 720p, the game's graphics still looks this insane 💀
This is what happens when 2 legendary gunslingers challenge a duel. And I had that twice.
This is what happens when 2 legendary gunslingers go for a duel. And I had that twice.
Help with the cigarette cards
help guys why my gun is glitched like that ????
I get it now
I've never seen this action before
man I've been playing for 6 hours trying to get a moose... and I can't even get to it because the game makes me slide. I'm so angry
Rate my Schofield customization
Sean and Karen's secrecy revealed at the party!
does anyone know how i can fix this? everytime i die and respawn my outfit is half missing. playing with a bunch of mods so if anyone knows which one it might be i'd appreciate if you could point it out to me!
Look what I just found Hosea doing
What is the worst thing they can do to this game?
What do you NOT want in the new GTA?
Explain in one line why RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 is the goat
This is why I love upgraded dead eye
Recommendation for a horse
annoying random cutscene
My Guarma experience outside story missions in chapter 2 was both fun and creepy.