Mi novia sigue teniendo contacto con amigos H y M con los que participo en un trio Que puedo hacer?
Vivir por el Zocalo
What colour schemes do you want to see Gundam use?
Not getting into college
Iron blooded orphans QA
What would you rate the Gundam Amazing Barbatos Lupus on a scale of 1-10? (Daily Build Poll: Day 60)
Alguien puede darme un guantazo?
Saldrías con una persona como tú?
Pedida de mano
AK Weathering Pencils
What grade do you prefer, and why?
¿Puedo quedar embarazada?
¿Moteles cerca de plazas comerciales?
Valgogg (scrap kitbash)
Posible robo o secuestro en el metro
Gundam Narrative R&T packs by glean-22
Alguien conoce a este sujeto ?
Noriko Ashida (a.k.a. Surge) by Randy Green
Imperial Fists Lieutenant
What is the better album ?
Push it (Voltage remix by me)
Happy Bday Wayne. This picture always puts a smile on my face.
[deleted by user]
Anyone else here just love the song Dark Place?
What X-men Storyline Had You Like This?
X-Factor #71 a retro-review by yours truly