u/Bashame__Meme deleted their account (I have blood on my hands AGAIN)
The Matapan nightmare (Zara)
Essex on why she should be flagship instead of her senpai
Anyone know what Missouri would look like? Or suggestions? I’m tryna make a OC (Repost since I finally logged back into my main)
Oof probably shouldn’t have said that (Formidable, Sirius, Eugen)
Hipper has something to say to skk
The Prinz Eugen experience
Enterprise’s Midday Rest
Are Akagi and Kaga frauds?
Should I go call Akagi and Kaga frauds on the mainsub? (Sakura Empire Slander)
Clumsy head maid (Belfast + Queen Elizabeth) (rough sketch)
Jean Bart: "Guess this is the end for the Vichiya..." - art by @hatsuki_sin
Battle of the River Plate (1939, colorized) (Royal Navy Agenda Posting)
I can't believe ppl actually ship this... (Ignore my search history 🥰🥰)
Tfw your "pocket battleship" gets gaslit by false reports (Iron Blood slander)
Essex lemon flavored-Crayon eating daughter
Another META, another blue ball
Hornet! Arf! Arf! Grrrrr! Bark! Bark! Woof!
Jean Bart & Me artwork by (Amazuki Jou)
holy shit is this even a question
guys is this canon
Coomers in shambles
How would an parlament only with AL ships look? Would they just start blasting each other when a minor disagreement happen?
Momma Kidd and baby Kidd in Drydock at the same time
"Commander, we didn't expect to see you here... What a Nice surprise ♥️". [Enterprise, Hornet, Little Enterprise and Yorktown].