How 250 vs 275 Health can be a big difference
Is this a glitch I popped a negative emperor and it went over the amount of tarot cards you can hold?
About to spawn a whole solar system in this consumables section fr
Anyone else wish you could choose what type of hand you played if the hand played fits multiple types?
When Lucky Card triggers on the first hand ruining your Vagabond Value
Is this bug? (Top left)
I’m so MAD right now, this is absolute MADNESS, I couldn’t be more RIDE THE BUS.
See Tooth, I don’t think you understand how things work around here…
Nice try Showman you can’t trick me that easy!
I love getting home to play with MY MASSIVE WEE
Do I take madness or not?
Some of you Jonklers may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.
Can this Triboulet build get any better? do I even bother taking soul?
I got negative smeared Joker now should I switch to playing flushes??
Least powerful Oops all 6’s build
Why are half the soul cards useless on abandoned deck, this was actually painful
Guys I reconsidered, please don’t tell my local democracy officer I do love super earth I swear!
Abandoned deck and buffoon pack teaming up to deny me photochad
I was walking to prison with my usual characteristic sass