H:LC + 3k Leaders W:Responders ID
H: Responder ID w: Apparel Bundle offer or Legacies
H:Leaders W:4xLC
H: tfj W: 3.8k leaders
H:Apperal + Leadere W:Bulk Canned Coffee
H: Lc+ Glowing Jack W: Apparel offers
H: 419 tse dragon and glowing veggie w: nuka paddle
H: tse 419 legacy dragon w: offers
H:30k Coffee + TLC W:TFJ 30001:1
H:30k Coffee + TLC W:TFJ
H:2xLC + Red asy + Glow jack + leader add if needed W:Tesla Lobbers
H: 2 TFJs + Responder ID(can potentially add more W: Survival Weapons(many as I can get)
H:TFJ + LC + 5k leaders W:Tesla lobber offers
H:2xTfj Or Leaders W:Tesla Lobber offers
H: Coolant & Trog canisters W: Leaders 50 per
H:Leaders W:Flamethrower trap plan
H:4xtfj + 2xLC + Red Asy W:Unusual offers legacies/bulk g rolls
H:Legacy Salt off the earth W:Leader/Apperal offers
(Xb1) H:Nuka Cola Cherry Paddle W:Tesla Lobber offers or Tfj + Red asylum
(Xb1) H:New glow set price per below
(Xb1) H:Paddles W:Offers
[XB1] LF leaders
H: 1200 canned coffee W: Offers
H:600 Canned Coffee W: Reflective Offers
H:10k Leaders W: Collectors Vault tec University set