My Fave Canadian Taco Seasoning
What sound do you listen to to fall asleep
The best pizza sauce!
What’s a Canadian Brand You Can’t Live Without? 🇨🇦
Canadian vodka?
people who shower for 30+ minutes, wtf you be doin in there?
I am going to destroy this.
Buy Canadian Sector-by-Sector: Fast Food Burger Chains
What was your experience right after you quit gaming ?
no more joy
Dunn's Famous Deli in Ottawa's ByWard Market Closing
My gaming addiction has put me at my lowest low.
MAGA merch
So many people in this sub complaining of depression like symptom after trying a supplement (including me)
Con and pro don't matter... because all they see is the screen.
Is A&W a good alternative to Tim’s? Do we turn our backs on our beloved Timmie’s???
Why am I always tired even if I sleep for over 8 hours a day?
Always tired and low interest in everything and low libido?
Day 2
People who need background noise to fall asleep, what do you listen to?
98%🇨🇦 1%🇨🇳 1%🇮🇳
I 43f messed up and went thru my 37m boyfriends phone and see he’s cheating
I’m Quitting Gaming & It’s Changing the Way I See the World
My girlfriend cheated on me and had a miscarriage 2 weeks later
That might be a little out of my price range, Loblaws