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why do people dislike sensing types?
isfj 5w4
Weekly Type Me Thread - August 14, 2020
why do people hate sensing types?
emotional intps?
uhh so you know how they found the Minecraft homepage Seed
INTP, If you like someone in a romantic way, do you change your texting patterns?
Excluding any of the SP types, which types are the next likely to be into exhibitionism?
Steve was once an ancient builder
[Unknown > English] My brother got this hat from an Akibento(?)
I really wanna know what other personality types think of ISTJs?!
Why I don't like 16personalities.com
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zodiac is dumb.
that moment when...
AITA for being angry my boyfriend got the idea for my gift from a show?
What was your first encounter with utter bullshit during your childhood?
my first time decorating cookies. I've never decorated cookies before so uh, this might look bad. be nice please :(
Saw the moon casting this triangle-shaped light. How is this occurring?
any other type 5 infps
Literally me