Favorite child murderer, not as in "they murder children" as in "child that commits murder"
What is and what is not “male fanservice” in anime
Gonna dip my toes into the a Warriors game, which one should I get?
Triple Brown Meow
sonic unleashed is peak and no one can convince me otherwise
Some fighting games have unique songs that play when two characters characters that are connected fight. I got the idea to create names for these songs in a new hypothetical Sonic Fighting game. What are your ideas?
The Rivalry Ever (Art by @cryoshad)
Imagine an Empires game with the nemesis system
Best dad ever
Could god ( yes, that god) be a grand berserker ?
Question about the Origins OST
I kida felt betrayed lol.
Mothers who are terrible people
Aura farmers get talked about a lot but it's always dudes. How about female characters that aura farm?
I'm in awe of this shot 🤩 Anyone wanna caption this?
Caption this (Art by @simayeeet)
better duo?
Why does Chen Gong seem vilified in Dynasty Warriors?
Who is the most handsome character in Dynasty Warriors?
Mr Sinister went from racist af, to NOT racist thanks to surgery, then turned himself into a minority. Since X-Men is a flawless allegory for racism, what did Marvel mean by this?
"Since I was eight"...
"Why doesn't Wakanda just feed starving Africans with their tech, are they stupid?"
What shows and movies does this best apply to?
(hated trope) character who does horrible thing become good without facing consequences for what they did