Most painful silver run possible (2.4 second double wand wasn't enough)
Nutty slow high roll (ty thick hide + bootstraps)
Possibly the most mid square pig run, somehow won day 14 (crap skills and cdr as well)
Interesting dev Venessa skin/recolor I've never seen before
Kill in a second or be killed meta makes me sad
Full shiny fixer-upper vs single weapon Venessa high roll
Lich's skill bugged out revealing the full image
Entire enemy board is shiny and diamond? Is this insane luck or bug?
Nothing is quite as disappointing as having a cool item in your inventory for many days and never getting the other items needed for it to work
Played one match with Dooley. Dooley vs Pyg/Venessa is the hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby meme.
Thank you early diamond Port (and great skills) for an actual viable random ammo items build
I apologize to anyone running into this in unranked (had this build finished with basically all the skills and items since day 11)
Encountered a really rare merchant I've never seen (right upgrade gave treb multicast)
Game keeps saving and exiting to the main menu automatically every 10 mins
Stuck with these quests, any tips?
Coming back to Fo4 after years, seems like we still have to cap FPS to 60 on pc?
Does anyone know which dungeon has this rune?
A duo quit mid-game but I still lose points?
Summoned a soldier Nessie
Questions about DnD lore books
36th Brigade and units of the 501st/503rd aerial recon destroyed a RU column north of Adiivka
Translation help regarding a folder possibly dating back to 18th-19th century Italy
Fun fact! The Veterans penance armors gets more worn-out by each tier
Footage coming out of Yelenovskaya detention center where UA POWs where held. Appears Ukrainian Army HIMARS MRLS struck the center at night, 53 dead and 75 wounded so far, many of the POWs from Azov regiment.