Appalachia for Humankind
Fusion & Plasma Cores in Ammo Box?
Looks like someone is getting ready for the Ghoul update.
How many players are going to play as a ghoul?
It's funny how someone asks a simple question on here and everybody turns into a bunch of punk ass bitches. Not everyone lives in their mommy's basement and has time to be a know-it-all level 2000.
Can we please get more controller binding options??
Curio collector in the Atomic shop
Is there a point to Monster Mash?
Found a Traveling Leather Coat for 23 caps in the Whitesprings Bunker?!
What is the story of the game?
New pipboy does glow!
Found this giant mutated vulture decided to make a camp above it
PTS Datamining: New Atomic Shop Items Patch 58 (31st Jan 2025)
Don't force people to hunt for your vendor
It's been a months and no one has liked my best build 🥲
High Level Players Farming Guardian
Is nuking someone's camp common?
Anybody doing auto axe cheese for EN06?
Fallout 76 Daily Update
Which Purple Video Game Character Should Be In Smash?
Actual AI COD Loading screens
The new legacy. Explosive flamer works! Build this before the fix it!
Bethesda - the bad lighting in the outdoor shelters is the reason I'm not buying them
What are you most excited for when skyline valley launches tomorrow