Gotta Love The Midnight Releases OF 2011
2020s has been my favorite decade so far because of the fashion
The real problem of gen Z, as older gen z myself.
Anyone else feeling nostalgic over 2015-2016?
The word "terrorism" is being hijacked before our very eyes. Please do not fall prey to propaganda.
Poor man’s version of air support .
We Were The Most Progressive Gen, Now The Most Conservative Because Big Tech Is Playing With Us.
"Assist counts as kill" MUST turn back in next battlefield
Refuting the Argument: "Battlefield has never Realistic"
End of an era…changing global economy
We all love the older games, but stop circlejerking.
Battlefield 4 Premium Edition has a huge discount on the Microsoft Store only $2
I hope we get the Ak-47 in the new game
That atrocious thumbnail killed me.
The kid who shot trump
Don’t bring this counter knifing shi to bf 6😭
The most insane and polarizing thing ever added to the Battlefield franchise, ever. Will it return to Battlefield 6?
Which do you think will be released first, the trailer for the biopic "Michael" or HIStory30?
An old, retired bf3 player. Wanting to make a come back.
Yorra Khunt has defied NR2003 physics and has become the first ai driver to blowover in NR2003 (From the YT channel TwistedToe)
Bf6 Map idea?
Why do Bungie Purists hate Forge Maps so much?
Gen Z women. How are your dating lives?
When do you think 80's nostalgia will finally fade out of the public consciousness?
Y2K body issues on display on a forum thread - "Do you think Britney Spears is fat?"