Not to call out, but to ask about money for being pretty and “the worst thing no one wants to talk about with pretty privilege”
Black mould appeared in my house on the spot below where I caught my husband cheating
The baby that keeps me company at my lost river base
Sexting is so underrated. Nothing comes close.
New beef tallow just opened, is this mold?
god forbid a girl bask in the glory of the modern age
Why did the mods implement that stupid AI that deletes comments for stupid reasons?
Seattle Council approves housing in Sodo amid controversy
What the heck is this in my sink drain???
A girl l hook up with has an unusually long clitoris. Why is this, and how do I pleasure it?
Fed this to my young kids before seeing this… mold?
Following, Denmark, the US is now officially asking Germany for eggs
Scared of a mouse..
So I was looking for a only girls/women Reddit community
The best and worst of 1997 (seventeen magazine)
Fellow ladies do you name your toys? What drove you to choosing it?
TRIGGER WARNING: Found this dropped behind the couch by my friend when she came over. What kinda mold is this?
Which games fit this description?
Hey ladies, to those of you who’ve dated someone 20 years older- how did it go and what was your experience?
When You’re Desperate to Convince People that Reusable Containers are Uncool to BUY PRODUCT.
If you love it, why do you love shopping? Guy asking.
Do you like butter?! How did we all know to do this and other silly stuff?