To those of you who love an "unpopular" Pokémon...
Texas Father Who Lost Daughter to Measles Says: “Everybody Has to Die” and “The vaccination has stuff me and my wife don’t trust.”
Who's your favorite Pokémon and why?
The one that started it all…
Unhinged shirtless dude absolutely melts down at anti-Tesla protesters in The Woodlands, Texas.
Do speed limits matter? Everyone drives so fast!
Adios my auto mechanic brothers
The cable connection didn’t go as planned.
Missing screw?
It's always an Altima
[OC] Let's play, "Who's Right of Way Is It?"
Well, at least she was wearing an apron.
Arkansas is apparently stopping drivers to test their competentcy with the English language.
I bought 5 extra more just in case
What's everyone's favourite fantasy casting? Mine so far is this
How long until you got your first shiny?
Carmakers Are Reinventing the Gear Shifter and Drivers Are Lost
After 40 years of safe trucking my dad had his first accident today
ATS V nightmare (hoping not)
Elon trying to act like he’s a good father is quite hilarious considering how he’s essentially abandoned most of his other kids and has treated them like shit. It’s clear X himself is only being used as a marketing tool and Elon doesn’t care about his well being either.
It’s not a myth..
The king of trucks is returning.
What should I name this 'car'?
Sister brought her car over for its first oil change in 3 years.... Not only had the previous mechanic used lock-tite on the bolt, but I think the oil sludge helped seize it in further. Came up with this contraption 2 hours in, that actually worked
What car has the most usable space for its size?
Scam Fursuit shop on Etsy, beware!