Purchase Advice Megathread - March 2025
Whenever we go to a new town, my players just want to go to the tavern. How do I get them to go to other places than just the tavern?
DnDbeyond, why is one of my players in my campaign unable to use my books, but all the others are able?
Is Learnova considered a good resource
What are some ROM hacks that don't have very many pokemon in them?
What is a good textbook and workbook with a public answer key to learn with?
Seson 2 of the US traitors was absolutely awful. Worst thing I've ever watched. (Lots of spoilers)
What do you make of Christopher Hitchens?
im trans and i want to be christian.
what exactly makes someone a christain?
Pope Francis understands God is Love
I want to die
Do jews go to heaven?
Proof that god exists/proof of Jesus?
If you sin than ask God for forgiveness than commit the same sin afterwards can you still be forgiven?
Is the prophet Muhammad a false prophet
Pro LGBT Christians
Why don't christians go after people who work on the sabbath like they do gay people?
Someone told me there were NO eyewitness accounts of Jesus Resurrection??? Is this right?
Good Christians! It's time for us to take responsibility for the murder of gay and trans people.
A story for all about how non-affirming Christianity can be harmful
How to start reading the bible
Does unbaptized believers have the Holy Spirit in them?
I want to pray for people on the streets without my church knowing
Should Christians be more concerned with Nazis or drag queens?