Shaman should have a lightning themed b-rez
Your dad's favourite necklace /mwah
Wotlk returning player, what is going on with healing. Need advice
If you could bring one thing from the undermine to player housing. What would it be?
Why do Americans butcher the saying “I couldn’t care less”
You can use Slow Fall while undermine driving.
Help me choose which sticker
So frustrating, how am I supposed to catch up on these knowledge points? They're gated behind limited patron orders
What happened to Danganronpa 3 episodes?
old avoidance cap still up to TWW?
Heard this in Eric’s voice in my head when I saw it
If you could add one spec to any (or every) class, what would it be and why?
If you could settle down anywhere in Azeroth, where would it be?
Why does Shadow Priests have Shadowfrost?
Was walking today and saw this!
It takes two to make a thing go right
Why Are We STILL Not Getting More Goblin Civilian Clothes in 11.1?!
January 15th Undermine(d) Development Notes - Class Changes, DRIVE, Delve Testing Available
Which Game Grumps phrases are forever stuck in your head?
It All Makes Sense Now
[PTR 11.1] The New Lightning Bolt Animation for Elemental Shamans is Awesome!
2025 Game Suggestion Thread
My besties new tat turned into my favorite drinking game.. what is it??
On recent changes to encounters in old dungeons
If you had the opportunity to write a sequel to “Party Games” what games would you choose, and who would you pick as the winner?