What the heck happened to Nami's World Map?
Does Boa Hancock get better?
If These Guys Fought, Who Would Die First? And Who Would Win?
2003 or 2009 first?
Is there any anime characters that you like but don’t know why?
Did he cook?
Favorite red haired character?
Worst Villain in One Piece?
Ok guys
What's keeping you from continuing to watch One Piece? Even though you hate it so much?
Sanji fans can’t defend this💀
When did Eren remember this?
Light's plan against Raye penber wasn't stupid...[spoilers]
Is this mother trucker supposed to be impossible to beat?
I'm confused, what does this mean on the upgrade?
This gotta be the most cringeworthy line in one piece 💀
Name an anime scene that had you like this:
I need help deciding.
What is an anime I should watch? I have to watch the top comment!
What anime be like...?
What is the darkest anime that you've watched?
How screwed are you?
Where the freak did Ollie come from?